Connecting Queen Elizabeth School Students Worldwide
Fostering friendship, education, and cultural activities among present and past students of Queen Elizabeth School

QESOSA Ontario 伊利沙伯中學舊生會安省分會

Welcome to our new website! Our previous website has been stagnant for quite a few years because of lack of resource. Now that some of us are retired and have a little more time at hand, we decided to revamp our website to better serve our fellow alumni. As with anything new, you will find errors and bugs here and there. Please feel free to contact us if you do find anything that may be in question. Because of the vast amount of information to migrate from the old to this new site, you may encounter "Coming Soon.." or "Page not found" error messages. Rest assured that we are delingently working on them but it will take time. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Enjoy!
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